Russian Federation
Purpose: To explore the issue of notion transformation on modern logistic complex and its role in transport system. To study the world experience in the formation of such notion as “freight village” and the development experience of such projects, to compose feature list of freight village in its up-to-date understanding and to formulate recommendation list for to develop such comprehensive logistic facilities in Russia conditions. Methods: Analysis of international experience and synthesis of new technical-technological solutions for freight terminals. Results: It was determined that scientific- technical development of transport-logistic branch proceeded in parallel with knowledge development (evolution) on transport-freight complexes. It has been determined that according to the most advanced notions about transport logistics, a freight village is a promising format for comprehensive logistic facilities. Standard master plan of freight village has been carried out with the definition of promising arrangement solutions for its railway infrastructure. Practical significance: The developed scheme of railway economics of freight village can be used at designing the territories of new freight villages and industrial parks in Russia and the CIS countries.
Transport logistic center, logistic center, container terminal, industrial railway transport enterprises, access road, freight village, logistics, multimodal transportations, rail transport, terminal-logistic center
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